To reach as many people possible and help them find their resolve. Educate that resolving their core is far more important than just finding ways to distract themselves.
“To create resourceful people for a resourceful planet”.
We believe that when people find their resolve in life they become better people. They have better ethics and ecology when making decisions, people bring their happiness with them instead of looking externally for it
Hello, I’m Alexander Oxford. At the age of 12 I was blessed with a gift, that gift being debilitating back pain. My back was so bad that at one stage walking was almost impossible. Little did I know it at the time on how powerful and how much influence it was going to have on my life. You know when something comes along and changes your whole life? Well this was one of those moments. I decided to start researching about muscles and their function. The interesting fact was that, the more I researched the more I found that the techniques that I was exposed back when I was twelve and the philosophical underpinnings on which they worked was very rare. So rare that it was not being taught anywhere….in mainstream! So I had to go back to the source, the person who helped me in the beginning, that being my uncle. I find that most of the time the answers we want in life are always in front of our face, it is just that we do not pay attention to them. So I was fortunate enough to interview him and this is what he taught me that the truth about our body is not what you think, mainly because what we think about our body is taught by mainstream media.
Hello, I’m Alexander Oxford. At the age of 12 I was blessed with a gift, that gift being debilitating back pain. My back was so bad that at one stage walking was almost impossible. Little did I know it at the time on how powerful and how much influence it was going to have on my life. You know when something comes along and changes your whole life? Well this was one of those moments. I decided to start researching about muscles and their function. The interesting fact was that, the more I researched the more I found that the techniques that I was exposed back when I was twelve and the philosophical underpinnings on which they worked was very rare. So rare that it was not being taught anywhere….in mainstream! So I had to go back to the source, the person who helped me in the beginning, that being my uncle. I find that most of the time the answers we want in life are always in front of our face, it is just that we do not pay attention to them. So I was fortunate enough to interview him and this is what he taught me that the truth about our body is not what you think, mainly because what we think about our body is taught by mainstream media.
The Biggest lesson I have learned from all this comes from the question “What is the brain trying to do to resolve problems”? The answer to this question lies in the heart of The Mind Paradigm, and that being helping the brains endless power supply! The brain is always looking for ways to resolve problems, the mind tells the brain what perceived problem there is and the brain will either protect itself from perceived danger and go into survival mode or it will look for ways to create an amazing life. Its all in the way we approach life. My practice today works with the above principles. Not only do I have the privilege of helping people get out of physical and emotional pain, I also have a great lifestyle, thanks to applying the above principles and my clients who can not stop referring clients to me. I am enjoying a level of job satisfaction that only comes from really being able to help people get out of pain and into a great life. Now I have decided to go online and give others the opportunity to help themselves and others!
“Work with TIME FLEXIBILITY so you can enjoy more, spend time with people you love, and go back to your hobbies.